



来源: | 作者:LEFENGSCS | 发布时间: 2017-12-26 | 4469 次浏览 | 分享到:


3PL 3rd Party Logistics 第叁方物流
4PL 4th Party Logistics 第四方物流
4SC 4-High Straddle Carrier 集装箱高跨车吊具


A/W Advance Commercial Information 全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)
ACI Advance Commercial Information System use in Canada  加拿大使用之报关系统
AMS Automated Manifest System System use in U.S 美国使用之报关系统
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织
API Application Programming Interface 程式设定介面
ARENA Asia North America Eastbound Rate Agreement 亚洲北美东向运输协会
AS/RS Automated Storage and Retrieval System 自动化存储和修复系统操作
AWB Air Waybill 空运提单


B2B Business to Business 企业与企业之间的交易
B2C Business to Customer 企业与客户之间的交易
BAF Bunker Adjustment Factor 燃油附加费
B/B Break Bulk 散件卸货
BCO Beneficial Cargo Owner 货物拥有者权益
BIMCO The Baltic and International Maritime Council 波罗的海国际海运公会
B/L Bill of Lading 海运提单
BPO Business Process Outsourcing 企业外判程序


Boned Warehouse



CAF Currency Adjustment Factor 市值附加费
CBM Cubic Metre 立方米
C&F Cost and Freight 成本和运费
CC Carbon Copy 抄送
CDMA Code Division Multiple Address 分发(部门)若干位址编码
CEPA Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement 更紧密经贸关系的安排
CFM Cubic Feet per Minute 每分钟的立方米
CFS Container Freight Station 集装箱货运站
CGI Common Gateway Interface CGI 介面
CIF Cost , Insurance and Freight 成本和运费兼付保险费
CILT The Chartered Institute Logistics and Transport 英国特许物流运输学会
CIM The Chartered Institute of Marketing 英国特许市务学会
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To 兼付指定运费及保险费
CLP Container Load Plan 集装箱/装载计划表
C/O Certificate of Origin 产地来源证
C.O.C. Carrier’s Own Container 船东提供集装箱
C.O.D. Cash On Delivery 交货付现
COFC Container-on-flatcar 集装箱输送
CPT Carriage Paid To 兼付指定运费
CSC International Convention for Sale Container 对安全容器的国际规定
CY Container Yard 集装箱堆场


Customs Broker



Customs Declaration



D/A Document Against Acceptance 承兑交单
DAF Delivery at Frontier 货交边境
DDC Destination Delivery Charge 目的地提货费
DOC Document Charges 文件费
DDP Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid 未完税交货
DES Delivered Ex-Ship 货交指定港口船上
DEQ Delivered ex-Quay 货交指定港口仓库
D.G Dangerous Goods 危险品货物
D/O Delivery Order 出货单
D/P Document Against Payment 付款交单
DPP Damage Protection Plan 集装箱损坏保险
DRP Distribution Resources Planning 分发资源计划
D/R Dock Receipt 码头收货单


EDI Electronic Data Interchange 电子资源传递
E.&O.E. Errors and Omissions Excepted 错误和遗漏不在此限
ERM Enterprise Resources Management 企业资源管理
EPS Equipment Position Surcharges 设备位置附加费
ERP Enterprise Resources Planning 企业资源计划
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival 预定到达时间
ETD Estimated Time of Departure 预定出发时间
EXW Ex-Works 到户取货


Export Supervised Warehouse



FAF Fuel Adjustment Factor 燃料附加费
FAK Freight All Kinds 同一费率
FAS Free Alongside Ship 船边交货
FB/L FIATA Combined Transport Bill of Lading 国际运输商协会联运提单
FCL Full Container Load 整箱集装
FCR Forwarder's Cargo Receipt 货运承运人领货单
FEFC Far East Freight Conference 远东(欧洲)运费公会
FEU Forty Feet Equivalent Unit 40英尺标准集装箱计算单位
F.I. Free In 船方负责装船费用
FIATA International Federation of Forwarding Agent Associations 国际货运代理协会联合会
FIFO First-in, First-out 货物先进仓和先出仓的安排
F.I.O. Free In and Out 船方不负责装卸费
FIOST Free In, Out, Stowed & Trimmed 船方不负责装船、卸船、理舱及平舱费用
FMC Federal Maritime Commission 美国联邦海事委员会
FOB Free On Board 离岸价格
FOC Flag of Convenience 方便旗
F.O Free Out 船方不负责卸船费用
F.O.R. Free On Rail 火车上交货
F.O.T. Free On Truck 货车上交货
F/R Flat Rack Container 平板集装箱
FRC Fuel Recovery Charge 恢复燃料费
FTP File transfer Protocol 档案传输协定
FTZ Free Trade Zones 自由贸易区


GDP Gross Domestic Product 国民生产总值
GRI General Rate Increasing 全部费率调高
GSA General Sales Agent 总销售代理
GSC Global Supply Chain 全球供应链
GWT Gross Weight 毛重


HAFFA Hong Kong Association of Fregiht Forwarding and Logistics Ltd. 香港货运物流业协会有限公司
HAWB House Air Waybill 代理行空运提单
H/H Half Height Container 半高集装箱


I/G In Gauge 货物尺寸没有超高超宽
IADA Intra Asia Discussion Agreement 亚洲集装箱运输研讨协定
I.A.Rates Independent Action rates 独立等级价格
IATA International Air Transport Association 国际航空运输协会
IBC Intermediate Bulk Container 中型液体集装箱
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization 国际民用航空组织
ICC International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会
ICP Internet Content provider 联网内容供应商
ICT Information and Communications Technology 资讯和通讯技术
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code 国际危险的商品代码
IMO International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织
Incoterms International Commercial Terms 国际贸易术语
IP Internet Protocol 国际网路议定书
IPI Interior Point Intermodal 经美国西岸入内陆运输
IRA Informal Rate Agreement 非正式运价协定
ISDN Integrated Server Digital Network 综合服务数字网路
ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织
ISP Internet Service Provider 网路供应商
ISPS International Ship and Port Facility Security 国际船舶与港口保安设备规则




Just in Time



LASH Ligther Aboard Ship 集装箱子母船
LAN Local Area Networking 本区域网路
L/C Letter of Credit 信用证
LCL Less (than) container load 开箱散货
L/G Letter of Guarantee 保函
L.I. Liner Inward 入口航线
LILO Last-in, Last-out 货物后进仓和后出仓的安排
L.I.O Liner In and Out 船方负责装卸费,但不包码头费
L.O.A Length Overall 全长
Lo-Lo ship Lift-on Lift-off ship 吊装船
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas 液化天然气
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气
LT (Lead Time) Time between placing and receiving an order 订货到交货日期
LTL Less-than-truckload 散货拼车


M/T Measurement Ton 尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)
MB/L Master Bill of Lading 船车单
MTD multimode Transport Document 多式联运单据
MAWB Master Air Waybill 空运提单
MLB Mainland Bridge 大陆桥运输模式
MLO Main Line Operators 远洋船公司
MRP Material Requirements Planning 材料需要计划
M/S Motor Ship 轮船
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet 材料安全资料表
MTO Multimode Transport Operator 联运商


N/A Not Applicable/Not Available 不适用 / 无资料
NAP Network Access Point 网路途经点
N.O.E. Not Otherwise Enumerated 除非另有列名
N.O.S Not Otherwise Specified 除非另有指定
NVOCC Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier 无船舶公共承运商


OCP Overland Common Point 内睦公共交货点
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer 原产商
O/F Ocean Freight 海运费
O/H Over Height 超出正常高度
ORC Origin Receiving Charge 始发港付加费
O/S Open Side Container 开边集装箱
O/T Open Top Container 开顶集装箱
O/W Over Width 超出正常阔度


PCS Port Congestion Surcharge 港口挤塞附加费
P&I Club Protection and Indemnity Club 英国标准保赔金
POD Port of Discharge 卸货港
POL Port of Loading 装货港
POP Point of Presence 存在的点
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol 点对点的草案
PRD Pearl River Deta 珠江叁角洲
PSS Peak Season Surcharge 季节附加费


RF Reefer Container 冷藏集装箱
RFP Request For proposal 书面建议要求
RFQ Request For Quotation 书面报价要求
RFRC Rail Fuel Recovery Charge 轨道燃料恢复费用
Ro-Ro Ship Roil-on Roil-off ship 滚装船
RRS Rate Restoration Surcharge 比率修复附加费
R/T Revenue Tons 计费吨


SAN Storage Area Network 网路存储


Supply Chain Management


SET Secure Electronic Transaction 安全电子交易
SKU Stork Keeping Unit 储备保持的单位
SME Small and Medium-size Enterprises 中、小型企业
S/O / S/I Shipping Order/Shipping Instruction 付货通知单 / 落贪纸
S.O.C Shipper's Own Container 付货人所属集箱
SQL Structure Query Language 架构疑问语
S/C Sales Confirmation 销售确认书 (Sales Contract) 销售合同
S/S Steamship 汽轮船
SSL Secure Socket Layer 付款加密法
S.T.C. Said To Contain 据报内装


TACA Transatlantic Conference Agreement 跨大西洋公会协定
TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制草案
TEU Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit 20英尺标准集装箱计算单位
T.H.C Terminal Handing Charge 码头操作费
TMS Transportation Managemeant System 运输管理系统
TOFC Trailer-on-Flatcar 集装箱车架输送
TQC Total Quality Control 全面品质控制
TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理
T.R.S Terminal Receiving Station 码头收货站
TSA Transpacific Stabilization Agreement 跨太平洋稳定协议
T/S Transhipment Port 转口港
TSR Trans Siberian Railway 西伯利亚大铁路
TT Telegraphic Transfer 电汇
T/T Transit Time 航程
TVC Time Volume Contract 时间货量合同
TWRA Transpacific Westbound Rate Agreement 泛太平洋西向运费协会


UCP500 Uniform Customs and practice for Documentary Credits 跟单信用证统一惯例和实务
ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier 50万吨油输
UNCTAD Unided Nations Conference of Trade and Development 联合国贸发会议


V.A.T Value Added Tax 增值税
VHF Very High Frequency 甚高频
VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier 20万吨油轮
VMI Vendor Managed Inventory 供应商的存货管理系统
V.O.W. Vehicle On Wheel 可驾驶的车辆
VOC Vessel Operation Carrier 船舶承运商
VOY Vessle 航次
VPN Virtual Private Network 虚拟网路
VSL Vessel 轮船


W/M Weight or Measurement ton 即以重量吨或者尺码吨从高收费
W/T Weight Ton 重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)
WAP Wireless Appreciation Protocol 无线应(运)用草案
WCS Wireless Communications Service 无线通信服务
WMS Warehouse Managemant System 仓库管理系统
W.R. War Risks 兵险
WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织
W.W. Warehouse Warrant 仓单


YAS Yen Appreciate Surcharge 日圆调整费
YAS Yard Surcharges 码头附加费

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